St. John has two worship services on Sunday mornings:
8:30am Traditional and 11am Contemporary
A Live-Stream Service is available for both services on the St. John Lutheran-York PA YouTube Channel.
Sunday School/Bible Classes for all ages are from 10am to 10:45am.
First time at St. John - Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear? We have a wide variety of dress at both services. Members wear anything from suits and ties, to dresses and skirts, sweaters, sport shirts, khakis, and jeans.
Where do I park? We have plenty of parking. When you enter the church drive, continue straight back towards the sanctuary. This is the big parking area; if you choose, you may park in designated Visitor Parking spots.
Where do I enter the church? Enter through the door near the sanctuary parking lot - Entry #1. There is a handicap entrance under the overhang, at the side of the building - Entry #2.
How long do your services last? Both worship services (8:30am and 11:00am) last about an hour.
What’s a service like? A typical worship service contains these elements: Confession and Absolution, Scripture Readings, the Apostle’s Creed, a Sermon, Prayers, Weekly Communion, and Music and Songs.
Do you have Sunday School? Sunday School for children and youth and Adult Bible classes begin at 10am and end at 10:45am. You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and snacks after the 8:30 service, and before the Sunday School hour begins.
Do you have a nursery? Our nursery is in the Fellowship Hall. If needed, you may take your child to the nursery and listen to the service while there.
What is your Communion Policy? See About Our Church for our Communion Policy.
What if I'm new to the Christian faith? We're happy to talk with you and answer any questions. You may also speak with Pastor Cosgrove about you or your children receiving the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. New Member classes are offered periodically throughout the year. Participation in the class doesn’t obligate you to join St. John.