Also as part of our outward focus, St. John is supporting four missionaries/ministries with 4% of our tithes and offerings received each weekend.
J.P. and Aimee Cima serve in Phnom Penh in Cambodia. As an LCMS missionary family, they are partnering with the Cambodia Lutheran Church to reach out to the families in the city. The Cimas have two daughters and one son. To learn more, visit the Cima Family website.
Nathan and Roxana Burke work to inform, train, motivate, and support the Christian community in caring for orphans in Romania. Nathan points to Psalm 68:5 - "A father to the God..." - as his call to this ministry. The Burkes have one son. The Burkes serve with CoMission for Children at Risk in the initiative Romania without Orphans.
Human Life Services, based in York County, Pennsylvania, is a safe place for those facing unplanned pregnancies. Human Life Services provides pregnancy testing, obstetrical ultrasounds, and a place to talk about options. Services are free and confidential.
Rev. Dr. John Bombaro serves as a missionary with the LCMS Ministry and Mission work in Eurasia, along with his wife, Melinda, and their four children. They are based in Riga in Latvia. John assists the regional director of Eurasia with theological education, and he teaches Lutheran theology and mentors seminary students at Riga Luther Academy. With Melinda’s help, John also coordinates conferences around Eurasia for pastors and other church workers.